Every Industry, machine or tool required some kind of sealing material to bond two pieces together without causing any leakage or seepage. Rubber Sheet is a material which is flexible, elastic and resilient. It is widely used for seals and gasket purpose. However, problem ...
Come From Metro Rubber Corporation
Neoprene,alsoknownaspolychloroprene,isasyntheticrubber firstinventedin1930byDuPont. Itisoftenusedasanalternativetorubberduetoitssuperiorheat,oil,andchemicalresistance aswellas flexibilityanddurability. Neoprene ...
Come From Metro Rubber Corporation
Cork sheet is made of clean granulated cork mixed with resin binder, which is compressed to form block, then split into ..... Cork sheet is made of clean granulated cork mixed with resin binder, which is compressed to form block, then split into sheets. The sheets have ...
Come From Hengshui Aohong Technology Co.,Ltd.