Not only are we confident that the quality of MI Flange Gaskets is practically impossible to beat, we are also pretty bold in publishing our prices right out in front of the whole world. If you've looked around the internet for Flange Gasket suppliers, you may have noticed that about the only way to get even standard flange gasket pricing from our competitors is for you to contact them. (Hmmmm?)
We know that from a Buyer or Engineer's viewpoint, it isn't enough to simply know the nomenclature and nominal dimensions of a critical part, you need the actual specifications and dimensions. Thus, you will find standard ANSI B16.5 Flange Gasket sizes and tolerances listed in the , plus material information in the and .
Put simply, MI offers over 5,000 standard flange gasket choices at low factory-direct prices...and that's just what you don't have to request a special quote to view. We couldn't even begin to count the possible semi-standard flange gasket variations, but there are literally hundreds of other material options available in the same wide range of styles and sizes with low minimum purchase requirements and no tooling or setup charges. Most custom variations of OD's, ID's and Holes are also available with low minimum purchase and setup charges.
MI is pleased to offer this comprehensive Flange Gasket Price & Selection Guide. Our goal is for this to be more than a sales tool for us, but also a convenient information resource for those who use Flange Gaskets - like you. MI's Standard Flange Gasket line includes two basic styles (Ring Type and Full Face), each in both Low (125-150 LB) and High Pressure (250-300 LB) options. Each of these four styles are available in numerous standard materials in various thickness and hardness options for over two dozen standard flange sizes from 1/2" through 48" diameter.
MI is pleased to offer this comprehensive Flange Gasket Price & Selection Guide |