Metallic Gaskets - Heat Exchanger Gaskets
BJSEAL manufactures a wide variety of heat exchanger and metal-clad gaskets. Among the most requested styles are double-jacketed gaskets, Kammprofile, corrugated gaskets, and solid gaskets, all
available in a choice of metals and filler materials. Custom configurations of heat exchanger gaskets are also available. Spiral windings can be designed with or without partitions welded to the
winding, or inner and outer rings with welded partitions.
Jacketed Gaskets:
A great many styles of jacketed gaskets are available. Among the most requested are the single jacketed, the double jacketed, the single jacketed overlap, the
double jacketed corrugated, and the double jacketed corrugated with corrugated metal filler.
Single Jacketed
Generally used where the radial dimensions of the equipment sealing surfaces only allow space for a narrow width seal. Single jacketed gaskets are constructed by encasing the soft filler material
on one face and both edges.
Double Jacketed
The double jacketed gasket has good compressibility and resilience and is the most popular clad gasket manufactured.
Single Jacketed Overlap
Construction of this gasket offers more filler protection than the standard single jacketed design. It is especially useful for applications where the radial dimensions do not allow space for a
double jacketed gasket.
Double Jacketed Corrugated
This gasket employs a corrugated jacket to increase resilience. It is suited for circular and non-circular applications in widths of 3/8" and wider.
If slight leakage should occur across the primary seal at the inner edge of the gasket, the concentric corrugations act as labyrinth seals.
Double Jacketed Corrugated with Corrugated Metal Filler
This unique multi-ply construction provides a more resilient gasket that adapts well to temperature and pressure cycling
problems. The temperature limits of this gasket are governed only by the metal selected.
Metallic Gaskets - Heat Exchanger Gaskets |