RubtechIndia is a leading Molded Rubber Manufacturer, Molded Rubber ProductManufacturer, Molded Rubber Part manufacturer in both small and largequantities for customers in many different
industries. The toolingcosts for mould tools are relatively low compared to the rubber andplastics industries. This makes moulding in silicone an economicaloption for pre-production prototyping or
small volume work.
Our technical sales team will be pleased to assist your engineers, product development team or researchers.
We think that you will be pleasantly surprised by the overall costingsand timescales from the start of the project until you receive thoseall important prototypes or the first production batch
(usually weeksrather than months!)
RubtechIndia have been moulding silicone products for over a decade now. Silicone is such a versatile material that it can be us |