Frenzelit is another supplier to Macroseal of excellent graphite and non-graphite sealing products. In addition to compressed non-asbestos sheet, high performance beater addition, expansion joints,
textiles, mill board, woven and non-woven thermal insulation barriers, Frenzelit is in the forefront of sealing technology with products like its Novatec Engineered Graphite material. Novatec 825F,
Novatec 925F, and Novatec Premium lead the way in Frenzelit's fine line of graphite and non-graphite products. Other specialty products include the Novapress line, the Novaform line, and
high-performance beater add materials such as Novatec HPN.
Macroseal stocks and cuts many different types of graphite gasket materials: Thermoseal Klinger HL, SLS, and PSM; Flexitallic Flexicarb ST and Flexicarb SR; and Durlon FGS95, FGLPE, FGL316, and FGT316. These are the most common styles of graphite gasket material available on the market-the pure graphite sheet, graphite sheet with a tang core, or with stainless steel insert. Gaskets can be produced with a pressure-sensitive adhesive backing, if requested.
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Macroseal stocks and cuts many different types of graphite gasket materials: Thermoseal Klinger HL, SLS, and PSM; |