PHE Gaskets

Our PHE gaskets are used for a multitude of heat transfer applications across various industries including chemical, offshore, oil and gas, petrochemicals, power plants, pulp and paper etc

  • Country:India
  • telephone:91-011-41428786
Our PHE gaskets are used for a multitude of heat transfer applications
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GEA Heat Exchanger Gaskets

GEA Heat Exchanger Gaskets GEA heat exchangers are commonly used in the beverage and beer industry, heating/cooling, yeast cooling, pasteurization, wine heating and cooling, beer flash pasteurization, etc. We offers service and gasket spare parts for GEA plate heat exchangers. ...

Come From China Plate Heat Exchange Co., Ltd

Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers

Gasketed plate heat exchangers are versatile and efficient devices that facilitate heat transfer between two or more fluids. Their unique design comprises a series of plates with gaskets, forming channels for the fluids to flow through. These gaskets ensure a tight seal, ...

Come From China Plate Heat Exchange Co., Ltd

APV Heat Exchanger Gaskets

APV Heat Exchanger Gaskets APV plate heat exchangers for food, dairy and brewing industries, healthcare, chemical, pharmaceutical and heavy industry. Our comprehensive range of services includes replacement gaskets for APV heat exchangers such as APV SR, R, B series and other ...

Come From China Plate Heat Exchange Co., Ltd