The biggest users of this product would be customers running Multicam routers, older CNT Motion Systems routers and various Motion Master routers.
The other dimension of the product to use is .500", indicated by the ending 500.
The 25 in the product code indicates that one of the dimensions of the product is 1/4". Since it does not have an adhesive, it can be used either as 1/4" tall or 1/4" wide, depending on the size of the particular channel. The goal is to fill the channel width wise fairly even, and stick above the surface by roughly 1/16".
The U MG aspect of the product code indicates that this is a medium density item. It is a product without adhesive making it ideal for applications where a "clean remove" is desired, such as in the channels of your vacuum table or vacuum pod.
The U MG aspect of the product code indicates that this is a medium density |