General: Due to robust construction, increased efficiency, flexibility, interchangeability, compactness, dependability and reliability. Gearboxes are suitable for severe operating
conditions by means of right selection.
Selection : The size of the particular unit either by way of input horse power or output torque. The ratings are based on Unity factor of 12 hours continuous running under uniform load subjected to recommended lubrication and temperature limitation of 900 C. Gear Housing: Gear housing is made of close grain top quality cast iron. It is provided with large cooling fins on both sides with maximum surface area exposed to atmosphere for improved efficiency. Bearing housings are perfectly board to ensure perfect alignment. The housing is totally dust proof and oil tight. Worm: Worm and worm shaft is of single place made out of high grade case steel, hardened steel duly case hardened & ground. Worm Wheel: The worm wheel is made of cast phosphorous Bronze (confirms to PB-2C as per BS 1400) rim shrunked and screwed on central cast iron boss. Teeth are accurately hobbed by generating process on hobbing machine. Bearings: The worm and worm wheel shaft are supported on ball or roller antifriction bearings of ample capacity to permit over hung and shock loads. Provision is made for additional roller bearings in case of heavy over hung loads. Shaft: Shaft is made of high grade alloy steel suitably designed to withstand high torque and bending loads duly hardened & ground. Oil Seals: Superior quality Neoprin oil seals are used to ensure complete oil tight. Lubrication: Gears and bearings are lubricated at all speeds by splash of oil from the sump. Thus no special attention is necessary except periodically checking the oil level. (A separate oil indicator is provided). Cooling: The fan mounted on the worm shaft induces continuous air flow which keeps gearboxes. Efficiency: Higher efficiency is achieved by correct design, careful selection of material, efficient lubrication. Every gear is checked for silence and no leakage oil. The efficiency for smaller gears (upto 3" centre) varies from 60% to 93% depending on the ratio whereas in bigger sizes (4" centre and above) it varies from 70% to 96%. |
General: Due to robust construction, increased efficiency, flexibility, interchangeability, compactness |