Note:3.5"HU *A2:-193 x 205 *B2:-238 x 250 4"HU A2:-212.5 x 235 * B2:-260 x 285 These Dimensions are for preliminary use only & are subject to our confirmation keyways as per IS 2048 Shaft limits up to 58 dia k6 & above 58 dia m6. |
The Size of unit is selected by rating table using input horse power or out put torque for appropriate input & output speeds. Rating are based on a service factor of i.e.:12 hours
continuous running per day with maximum working oil temperature of 90* c with normal overload at 100% momentary 50% up to 1 minute 25% up to 2 hours will carry normal overload borned by
ISI standard A.C.motors
General gear units will operate safely provided that they are selected, installed, used and maintained property. As with any equipment consists of rotating shafts and tranmitting power, adequate guarding is necessary to elimiate the possibility of physical contact with rotating shafts or couplings. |
The Following points should be noted and brought to attention of the persons involved in the installation, use and maintenance of equipment 1.For lifting of geauit eye-obolts or lifting points (on larger units) should be used 2.Check the grade and quantity of lubrication before commissioning. Read and carry out all instructions on lubricant plate and in the installation and maintenance manual literature. 3.Installation must be performed in accordance with the manufacturer's instruction and be undertaken by suitably qualified personnel. 4.Ensure the proper maintenance of gearboxes in operation USE ONLY SPARES FOR GEAR-BOXES 5.The oil level should be examined periodically, if required the oil should be filled again. 6.The operating speeds, transmitting powers, generated torques or the external loads must not exceed the design values. 7.The driving and the driving equipment must be correctly selected to ensure that the complete installation of the machinery will perform satisfactorily E.G. avoiding system critical speed system and torsional vibration etc. |
Note:3.5"HU *A2:-193 x 205 *B2:-238 x 250 4"HU A2:-212.5 x 235 * B2:-260 x 285 |