We are proud of our comprehensive range of mechanical linear and rotary motion components and mechanical fasteners.
We have been in business for over 30 years and in 2006 launched two new product catalogues. Our 600 page Mechanical Motion Components Handbook is now used as a key reference source by many
mechanical design engineers throughout the UK and abroad. Our 200 page Linear Rail Systems catalogue was published a few months later and features specifically linear rail systems and medium and
heavy-duty telescopic slides.
All the parts in our catalogues are shown on the web site where we have also added further parts, many of them available for download in 3D CAD (mainly Step and Sat files). We are regularly
up-dating the 3D files and adding to them.
Our sales support staff are fully aware of the importance of a providing prompt, reliable and professional service. All our products are of the highest quality and we back this up with technical
support staff in the office and out on the road
Right angle gear box - three shafts Shaft diameter 8mm. High capacity. Part No: R2302 |