reverse gear :5.727
fifth gear:0.818
forth gear:1
third gear:1.636
second gear:2.825
first gear: 5.608
gears/speed ratio:
(5) weight:98kg
(4) matched vehicle model: JAC.DFAC.FOTON.etc 3-5T medium truck
(3) matched power:4102ZLQ.4105ZLQ.4108.4110 etc
(2) input torque:460N.m
(1) center distance:115mm
main performance parameters
546 gearbox adopt nissan diesel technique.five speed and one over speed are full synchronizing. improved design of the gears. the bearing capacity has elevated multi slide rails to shift. the boundary coupling dimension is the same as 6T46. it is the strengthened and upgraded product of traditonal 6T46
adopt nissan diesel technique.five speed and one over speed are full synchronizing. improved design of the gears. the bearing ca
Gearing Arrangement: | Planetary |
Place of Origin: | Shandong China (Mainland) |