Moulds designing and production. The Vitmas Co. develop and manufacture moulds for bottle blowing with capacity from 0,1l up to 20 l. The Co.s technical experience guarantees high quality of moulds design and production. After having finished designing of all details of a container and a corresponding preform with imitation of their working conditions in the CAD system, designers go on to moulds development with reproduction of corresponding workspace at computer what ensures a high accuracy of execution. When determining equipment construction, thanks to the CAD system the process of working instrument transference is optimized with checkout of all parameters in different stages of equipment production. Computer quality control ensures accuracy of execution of the most difficult goods parts; special attention is given to high quality of the preforms mouth forming. The process total control and optimization ensure approved and effective system the client will receive.Preforms, moulds and PET bottles short characteristic. By customers requirement PET bottles can be made of any shape and colour, for any food and not-food liquids bottling: alcohol and low-alcohol drinks, aerated and not-aerated water and drinks, fruit juices, vegetable oil, tea, coffee, dairy produce, pharmaceuticals and detergents.The finished PET bottles size, shape and any individual features are determined by a mould. PET bottles can be made:- Round, square, oval, disposable bottles and special shape bottles - Recurring use PET bottles (up to 25 times).- PET bottles for hot filling (max. 90