PTK has been engaged in the manufacture of various sizes of sleeves for Aluminum Die Casting Machines for various industries. Its unique feature is the expertise in manufacturing shorter version of sleeves due to the following factors: Like other manufactures, PTK is not making sleeves from steel routed through normal melting & hotworking processes. PTK's raw material for the subject item is manufactured from its in house induction melting & Electro Slag Refining (ESR) Process. Scrap of hot die steels containing very low sulphur & Phosphorous are carefully selected for melting in the Induction Furnaces for making ingots. The ingots containing very low sulphur & Phosphorous are subsequently routed through Electro Slag Refining Process to produce very fine grained hot die steel having practically nil content of Phosphorous & Sulphur as the starting raw material of sleeves. Sizes of ESR ingots are such that the shorter sleeves are directly made from them without size alteration in hot working. Due to absence of hot working, presence of extremely fine grained steel, enable sleeves to resist erosion for considerably longer period against hot molten aluminium flow during casting. Presence of very fine grained steel also makes the sleeves resistant to termperability. Hence these sleeves can be hardened & tempered at a comparatively higher temperature than those adopted by PTK's competitors. As a result of the same, PTK's sleeves are more resistant to thermal shock & cracking in application
PTK has been engaged in the manufacture of various sizes of sleeves for Aluminum Die Casting Machines for various industries. |