The company was originally formed in 1988 by a group of highly experienced professionals, prepared to reach the best standard within the sector. Moldes Barcelona offer solutions to injection and
blowing moulds for thermoplastics and also die-cast moulds.
Simultaneous Engineering enables us to offer effective responses and cooperation to our customers. We give solutions for the design and development of final moulding at the same time that
construction of the tools is being accomplished. Our aim is to minimize problems with the end product, to make the final development time to be the shortest possible and to increase the mould
efficiency. We also offer assembly solutions and / or cinematic for part sets.
Prototype Moulds, built with various materials, such as aluminium, die-cast or steel, are designed following the established methods and / or technology in order to meet our customers objectives,
as either short productions (100 / 200 parts) or large ones (10. 000 to 20. 000 parts) can be obtained. We can deliver only the mouldings, and keep the tool in our plant (for a time agreed with the
customer) or deliver both the tool and the parts.
Serial Moulds are designed and constructed to achieve the cheapest final product, for short or large series equally. We are specialist in mechanical solutions within the cinematic. We avoid the use
of cylinders to eliminate troubles that may be caused by their adjustment, which means an important time reduction when starting the tool, and because all the operations are carried out during the
tool opening, a lot of stages can be also saved. Furthermore, adding an efficient cooling system we obtain a relevant reduction in the cycle time.
Modification, Repair, Optimising and Maintenance of tools form a part of a very competitive service which Moldes Barcelona offer their customers ever since the company started.
Our main aim is to meet efficiently stipulated delivery dates. Due to our company flexible structure, associated to technical means, we are able to produce the tools in record time.
Moldes Barcelona has a built surface of 1. 700 m2 and 7. 400 production hours per month. In addition, the company is equipped with excellent machinery (we can make tools up to a maximum weight of
16 Tm) which makes us able to offer our customers a responsible and professional process, which guarantees they will get a product and a service of the highest quality level.
Prototyps are designed and constructed to achieve the cheapest final product, for short or large series equally.
Product: | Other |
Product Material: | Metal |
Shaping Mode: | Plastic Injection Mould |
Model Number: | The Prototyps, Bi-material, Multicavity |
Place of Origin: | Spain |