Hello & Warm Greeting !
We Rightchoice Holdings is an Export / Import firm operates from Chennai(MAA)/India.
We source products related to Automobile Industry / Machinery Handling Equipments
Packaging Equipments / Plastic/ Paper & Pulp Mill Machinery /Paper Making Machinery
Building Materials other general accessories.
For all your trade needs you can contact at : with you
product specification/Photograph.
We have high demand for Metal /Iron scarp, if you have such prodcuts we kindly do adv
For any additional information please do call us at the following address.
M/s.RightChoice Holdings
New No 72 Old No 80 Moore Street / 3Rd Floor, Parrys
Chennai 600 001 / Tel: 044-25243883 / Fax: 044-25243884
Email: .
We hope to hear from you soon with your requirements.
for RightChoiceHoldings