Kindly, email us today pole_tech(at) or phone; +46762281725 for more information.
All flagpoles are moulded in one piece with a closing edge (seam) less than 3mm, using the greek entasis tape design. Top and bottom diameter of the flagpole can be set to own requirements. With an indoor controlled temperature of 22-25 Celsius, each mould can produce one flagpole every 2nd hrs.
We guarantee that our flagpole moulds are promptly delivered and producing flagpoles within 90 days from signed contract, to your full satisfaction.
We will also give our costumers full support during the whole installation and start up process. One of our supervisors will be present at all time, advice you of all needed equipment, data, such as structural calculation, reinforcement of fibreglass needed exc.
We will not only give you costumers the best price on the market!
will be pleased to supply our costumers with a complete fibreglass flagpole manufacturing setup.
Pole-Tech Co., LTD is an innovator of producing fibreglass flagpole moulds ranging from 6 to 14meter.
Pole-Tech Co., LTD is an innovator of producing fibreglass flagpole moulds ranging from 6 to 14meter. |