Plasma modul an absolute world novelty.The vivex engineering srl is pleased to introduce the last application of the cold plasma, been born after the done searches and the industrial applications with the machine plasma air (pat. Pend. ).Plasma modul it is a special unity that contains the generator vivex cold plasma of last generation plus sweater metallic prefilter, more (optional) a post filter always to metallic sweater, more other possible optionals to make it fit to the various applications.The modul is of very compact dimensions, with a flange of entrance air and one of exit, have a loss of pressure of the order of the 100 pa and it have a low electric absorption equal to around 50 ws for every 1000 m3/h of treated air.Can be used as pre-treatment or post-treatment, on new plant or on existing plant to improve its performances, doing so to economize on the costs of adjustment from the moment that it is not necessary to replace in full the old plant anymore.Applications:- hospitals and clinics: Unity of treatment air of the plant of climatization.- hospitals and clinics: Operating block: Unity of treatment air of the plant ofClimatization.- alimentary industries: Unity of treatment air of the plant of climatization.- alimentary industries: Department seasoning: Unity of treatment air of the plantOf climatization.- various industries: Unity of treatment air of the plant of climatization.- fittingses of purification air: Pretreatment to scrubber.What does modul plasma?The air that crosses the generator vivex cold plasma it suffers a series of chemical-physical treatments that they modify the composition of the air-transported pollutants and they also destroy bacterias and virus.Particularly reduces the concentration of co, of nox, of hydrocarbons, of sov, of particolato and the total charge of bacterias and virus.For further information and prices contacted us.
Plasma modul an absolute world novelty.
The vivex engineering srl is pleased to introduce the last