Rapid Urethane vacuum casting/Silecone Molding / Rapid Tooling Services Manufacturer, supplier,
Rapid Prototype description: Rapid Tooling and Injection Moulding in just 3 days to 3 weeks?
Are you dissatisfied with your existing plastic injection moulding supplier? Are you looking for the China's leading rapid tooling / Plastic Injection Moulding Manufacturer? Which ever, Ideal
Plastics will advise you on the manufacturability of your product for FREE. Our Engineers are extremely experienced toolmakers and plasticians and will help you get your product to market faster
than any other rapid tooling company.
How is Ideal plastic Unique? The Highly-Skilled Personal Approach...
Ideal Plastics has a unique and efficient approach to making plastic injection mould tools. Our highly skilled toolmakers have decades of experience each - we call them 'Master-Mouldmakers'. Each
of our Master-Mouldmakers will take your project personally through design-rationalisation; Rapid mould design; CADCAM; CNC; EDM; Fitting; Finishing; And proofing. We work towards eliminating
communication problems, not introducing them through departmentalisation.
We have a rapid 'one-man one-mould' methodology that makes us fast and very reliable. Rapid Prototype Tooling our SpecialityOur 'master-mouldmakers' approach allows us to create very complex rapid
tooling, very quickly. Challenge us.
Who owns the rapid tooling?
All rapid tooling, plastic injection moulding and rapid prototyping made by Rapid-Plastics is owned 100% by the customer, unlike our competitors, and you can uplift the tooling at anytime, after
all it is your property. We can also help you set up a 'mould tool' leasing contract to help finance your rapid tooling program.
ABS-Like, PP-like, Rubber, PC-like
Acrylic-like(Tints and Clear)
TPE-Like(Multiple durometers)
Process Options
Cast in Color
Cast-in-Texture or Polish
Rapid Urethane vacuum casting/Silecone Molding / Rapid Tooling Services Manufacturer, supplier, |