Design & mouldsImprovement of the products progressSpecially, from the clients request untill the final product r &d department is working on it. Relating to customer needs firstly the disayn of the product is stuied by the computer, and to analise the disayn with the computer engineers test the disayn, products disayn and the result of the analise always presentated to a customer with the detailed report. After the confitmation with the client, another progress is to start making the mould.If the requested products already disaned on the technical drawing, or if it is cad format, in that case pms can start working on making mold and then producing.1. Progress: Cad-cam worksPms do all the projects with the cad-camAnd then test them by cosmos software.2. Progress: Making the modelRegarding to cad disayn, in that progressPms makes the wooden model.3. Progress: Making the moldsComing from the casting, molds surfaces prepeared and be ready for trapeze and other progresses.4. Progress: Testing the moldIn that progress the mold are tested by terms of colours, weights, dimensions, surface, etcProducing mold is made by the latest technologic machines,After prepearing cad/cam programms, model be copleted on the cnc work bench.Prepared model turns into the mold. On the surface of the mold all the progressing be done, the connection to the machine be ready and all the parts are assembled.Finally produsing progress starts and have a fisrt product as a sample, with this sample all testes are done just to check if everything goes well and suits with the disayn.In the rotational molding progress, the process of making metal molds is very short ( 1-3 week ) and economic.
Design & moulds
Improvement of the products progress
Specially, from the clients request untill
Model Number: | PMS MOULDS |