Sheave Features
A solid wheel prevents injuries
Hollow axle shaft to fit floor stands
Jumpless design increases Wireline life
Easily loaded by opening clevis truncheon pin
Timken bearings + races with oil seals + grease zerts
Clevis freely swivels allowing the sheave to always run tangent to changing line angle
The Nylatron tire insert lessens Wireline wear + is sparkless
Available line sizes from 3/16 to 15/32
Easily field serviceable for routine maintenance
Recommended grease is SKF-LGMT-21
Materials | Performance
Sheave wheels + shroud are cast 356/2 alloy aluminum
Heat treated & aged for strength
22,500 lbs Safe Work Load
45,000 lbs Proof Test
20" Everest Lite Sheave
Materials | Performance
Sheave wheels + shroud are cast 356/2 alloy aluminum