CODERL -2LIFTING :-Operator is shown raising the load by simple vertical pull on theropeLOCKING :-When the rope is moved in an outward direction the lock comes intoinstant operation.LOADING :-With the load securely sustained the operator can concentrate on thetraversing or loading. Load can be released immediately by a vertical pull on the rope.DESIGN, FEATURES &SPECIFICATIONS :-ROPELOCK PULLEY BLOCK :-There are many uses for the Ropelockon building and erection jobs due to its lightweight and sturdy construction, and in this case heavy concrete slabs are beingtaken to an upper floor.Handling of oil drums is simplifiedby the use of this ROPELOCK Block on a S. Crane. Underslung Hand Pushed Crane.The Ropelock Pulley Block is amanual lifting equipment incorporating a unique locking device which enables the load to be raised, locked and unlocked with onerope only. The locking system is controlled by the direction of the rope asillustrated. Heavier the load tighter is the lock. The locking device is adjustable so thatthe locking action can take place with a wide range of movement.A few of its notable features are asfollows :-1) Low headroom to achievemaximum lift.2) Light weight to make it useful for erectors and maintenanceEngineers.3) All the models given above can be used with equal ease in avertical, horizontalor angular position.4) Speed is the asset of this equipment where it scores overconventional chain pulley blocks. For the samecapacity that is 500 kg. where one has to pull 52meters length of chain to lift theload through one meter in an ordinary chain pulley block, in our RL - 4 modelone has to pull only 4 meters of rope length to lift the load through onemeter. Standard rope is GARWARE P.P. but nylon and terrylene ropes areavailablefor special applications.5) Standard Lifts available are 6 M & 14 M, however,higher lift blocks can be supplied on request.The Ropelock Pulley Block can beused in any & every industry, shop or Godownwhere materials more than 50 kg. need to be handled ( 50 kg. being theaverage max.weight a man can carry)Its light weight construction makes iteasy to install.We at S. CRANE would be glad toassist you in designing & installing overhead structures & supports to ensure safe, smooth & economicalmaterials handling foryourapplications.HoistMotor :-Specifically designed for high starting torque hoisting service,half-hour rated with permanently lubricatedbearings suitable for frequent reversals as well as braking.HoistBrake :-The Hoist Brake is fitted with an electromagnetic brake designedandbuilt to arrest and hold safetythe full load capacity of the hoist. The brake providesa fail to safety feature andfailure of current immediately applies the brake.BottomBlock :-Full rotating lower hook is high strength forged steel. Thrustbearings make swiveling easy even under load.Gearing :-Spur & Helical Gears cut from alloy steel and duty heat treated asrequired are used in totally enclosed casingto provide grease lubrication. Newer design are lighter weight becauseof improved material strength manufacturing techniques.ElectricalComponents :-All electrical controls are centralized within oneenclosure withremovable cover to access for easyservicing. Control circuit provides reduced voltage at the Push Button station,with 110 volts being standard. Underthe new control system, operation isoften much more gentle on components, lowering shock loads and heatbuild up.Limit Switch :-Positive action limit switch will prevent over travelbeyond set limits in either direction. (Optional is desired for CT and LT ).PushButton Station :-Weather proof as standard, giving sure grip, one handed control. Station has built in steel strainrelief, permits pulling of unloaded hoistalong track.
CODERL -2LIFTING :-Operator is shown raising the load by simple vertical pull on theropeLOCKING :-When the rope is moved