'D E E R' Rice Huller Machines, Grinding Mills, Hand Pumps, Perforated Sheet, Manhole Covers, Pulleys, Blocks and Bearings are the products of JAYDEE INDUSTRIES. A company floated by experienced
Indian entrepreneurs with a mission to build a global business enterprise on the key fundamentals of quality, service, reliance and amity. The company's products are manufactured at their Howrah
(Calcutta, India) plant under the guidance and strict vigil of highly experienced technocrats. Meticulous and stringent quality control is taken into control right from the arrival of the raw
materials, through the production process, all the way to fitting and assembling room which enables the products to attain the required quality and smoothness to fulfill the company's aim of
offering most genuine quality products to customers.
Progressing by leaps and bounds the company has been able to develop an immense variety in its products for catering to practically any field where Rice Hullers, Grinding Mills, Manhole Covers,
Hand pumps, Perforated Sheet, Solid and Groove Pulleys can find application, nevertheless the incessant process of innovation continues to get the top priority of the company with the objective of
fulfilling individual customer needs and excelling in quality. Above all, amity in business forstrengthening ever lasting relationship with each and every customer is and shall be the motto
'D E E R' Rice Huller Machines, Grinding Mills, Hand Pumps, Perforated Sheet, Manhole Covers, Pulleys |