AIREN is a slightly alkaline solution, miscible water, with a specific gravity of 1.02. It is an airentraining agent, based on selected resin, complying with ASTM C260-66T & IS:9103:1979.ACTIONAIREN acts on the interface of the sand and water to produce stable microscopic air bubbles uniformlydistributed throughout the concrete. These bubbles serve to greatly reduce both the amount of waterabsorbed and damage which arises from the formation of ice crystals in the pores of concrete.Apart from its usefulness in providing a much greater resistance to spalling and racking in freeze / thawenvironments AIREN improves the properties of fresh concrete. Thus it gives concrete better cohesionworkability, reduce segregation and bleeding which often occur when utilising low quality aggregates andharsh mixes.USESAIREN should be used wherever well-compacted concrete, resistance to extreme thermal variation andfrost action is required. Such situations include roads, runways, paving, hardstands, canal lining, openstorage areas etc.AIREN is of great benefit in lightweight concretes, where it improves workability and reduces tendencyto bleed. It is useful in reducing the density of light weight concrete blocks, so that blocks meet thermalinsulation requirements. AIREN gives increased durability to dense concrete and because of the entrainedair, a reduction in material costs is achieved.METHOD OF USEAIREN is supplied ready for use and should be added to the mix with gauging water.RATE OF ADDITIONA dosage rate of 50-100ml of AIREN per 50kg of cement will normally produce an entrained air of 5% ?1%. The appropriate dosage rate of AIREN will vary depending upon the particular materials and mixdesign being used. The exact dosage should be determined by site trials.Air Entraining Agent for Concrete & Mortar- 2 -Generally the higher the dosage rate, the greater the air entrainment but mixes with low workabilityrequire a higher dosage rate to give a specified air content. In addition, concrete having a low cement buthigh sand content will require less AIREN than cement-rich, low sanded concrete. Other factors to betaken into account include aggregate grading, strength requirement, yield and temperature.PROPERTIESAIREN does not contain calcium or any other chemicals, which could be harmful to the durability ofconcrete.AIREN may be used with all type of Portland concrete.AIREN is formulated from chemicals which present no fire or health hazards.AIREN is formulated from carefully selected raw materials and is manufactured under control conditionsto give a consistent product.PACKINGAIREN is available in 25 and 200 litres metal/plastic drums.TECHNICAL SERVICE :SWC group maintains a technical division with highly qualified technical personnel to investigate and advise onsubjects related to Concrete and the Construction Industry. The Division can advise on the correct use andselection of right products at the right place.SWC undertakes Consultancy Service for diagnosis and rehabilitation of distressed structures. SWC undertakesContracts on turnkey basis for total Waterproofing System with guaranteeNOTE : This Technical data sheet is to be used as guidance only. Although the basic formulation of theproduct remains unchanged, production refinements arising from continuing research and evaluationprogrammes may occasionally result in marginal change in properties. The recommendation andproperties of the product based on continuous monitoring of the product are not intended to infringeon other patents.THE STRUCTURAL WATERPROOFING CO.PVT.LTD.Regd. Office : 21/1 Dover Road Calcutta- 700 019 Dial : 2475-2684/5378/9950, Fax : 2475- 8240Calcutta : Plot 38/1, Block-GN, Sector IV &V, Salt Lake City, Calcutta- 700 091Dial : 2357- 3546/3547 , Fax: 2357 3881Delhi Office : 406, Deepali, 92, Nehru Place, New Delhi - 110 019, Dial: 26445680 &26435432 Fax: 26416861Mumbai Office : 56, Mahavir Centre, Sector -17, Vashi , Navi Mumbai - 400 703,Dial: 27893601, Fax: 27893571 E-mail: Office : 81, 3rd Floor, A, Sulochana Terrace,1st Main Road, Gandhi Nagar, Adayar,Chennai-600 020 Dial. 24423731 Fax.24422476Bangalore Office : 104, Victoria View, Borewel Road, White Field, Bangalore 560 066. Telefax : 080 3310112
AIREN is a slightly alkaline solution, miscible water