So for your next and future pumping unit, go with the combination of knowledge that has resulted in quality and service for over thirty years. RAINBOW MANUFACTURING COMPANY wants to be the name you know and trust for all your pumping needs.
feature our very own RAINBOW CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS of cast-iron construction. RAINBOW PUMPS combine efficiency and reliability at a competitive price. The five year warranty on our pump is an industry leader. In addition to and pumps, We also offer our industry-unique centrifugal pumps which eliminate costly pump couplings and guarantee zero alignment problems. We select the proper pump for your application and performance test each unit in our testing facility. These features along with our exclusive, timesaving suction and discharge fittings complete the package. Our goal is to supply you with a complete unit ready to go to the field without any unnecessary hassles.
HIGHER YIELDS MEAN HIGHER PROFITS and have been pumping up profits in agricultural for over thirty years. RAINBOW continues to lead the way with competitively priced pumping units for many applications throughout domestic and international markets. Our latest units incorporate our new, highly sophisticated heavy-duty platform frames and trailers and offer a redesigned cabinet enclosure that protects your investment for many years to come.