Larox Peristaltic Pumps for Transferring (LPP-T)

The operating principle of the LPP-T pump is based on the peristaltic effect. As the cylindrical rotor rotates along the hose, the process medium gets pushed forward through the hose. At the same time, the hose behind the compression point reverts to its original circular shape creating a suction effect at the pump inlet port. As a result, the hose bore gets filled with the medium. No backward flow can occur as the hose is squeezed tight by the roller.

  • Country:United States
  • telephone:1-705-327-6550
LPP-T pumps incorporate advanced rolling design which eliminates friction and lowers energy consumption.
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Batch Transferring Type Peristaltic Pump

Place of Origin:China Batch Transferring Type Peristaltic Pump Speed: 30 to 350 rpm, reversible Speed precision: 0.6 rpm Pump Head:KZ48 ...

Come From Shanghai Westingarea M&E System Co., Limited