Table 2
Energy Savings by percentage of setup without diffuser
.873 watts/Gal
.151 watts/L
.484 watts/Gal
.130 watts/L
.245 watts/Gal
.065 watts/L
.151 watts/Gal
.040 watts/L
4.97 gpm
18.8 lpm
9.09 gpm
34.4 lpm
18.29 gpm
69.25 lpm
30.12 gpm
114.0 lpm
40.0 CFH
18.88 lpm
W/O Diffuser & gathering flange (similar setup as above)
.467 watts/Gal
.123 watts/L
.345 watts/Gal
.091 watts/L
.279 watts/Gal
.074 watts/L
.219 watts/Gal
.058 watts/L
.152 watts/Gal
.040 watts/L
16.8 gpm
63.5 lpm
23.0 gpm
87.3 lpm
28.7 gpm
108.75 lpm
37.0 gpm
140.4 lpm
53.8 gpm
204.0 lpm
42.6 CFH
20.0 lpm
Liquid Flow at 5
Liquid Flow at 4
Liquid Flow at 3
Liquid Flow at 2
Liquid Flow at 1
Maximum Lift
Alab 12 x 12 diffuser installed into 4.5 x 55 airlift pump tube with gathering flange at the bottom of the airlift pump tube.
Table 1
Figure 2 |
Then we tested the airlift pump with a 12X12 Alab fine bubble diffuser at higher airflow rates and compared it with a coarse bubble diffuser and an air hose with no diffuser at the same airflows. The test data is shown below (Test Data 1) with a plot (Figure 2) following the data:
Figure 1
The plot below (figure 1) compares the airlift pump results with no diffuser, a 3X3 diffuser and a 12X12 diffuser with the same 5 LPM airflow used in the first tests: The results indicate better performance with smaller bubbles with the same airflow.
Photo 5
Photo 4
Photo 3
Next, we tested the airlift pump with higher airflows using a 12X12 Alab fine bubble diffuser. A 17 diameter plastic funnel was used to direct the liquid entrained with bubbles into the 4.5 tube as shown in the photos below: Photo 4 shows the entire assembly while photo 3 is a close-up of the top and photo 5 is a close-up of the bottom and the diffuser.
Our concept was that fine bubbles will improve oxygen transfer to water being pumped, compared to coarse bubbles from a hose because of the large increase in the bubble surface area.
By Alan Burris, Ph.D. and Matt Prinsen
High Efficiency Diffuser Airlift Pump
High Efficiency Diffuser Airlift Pump By Alan Burris, Ph.D. and Matt Prinsen |