Pump almost anything! Teledyne Isco syringe pumps give you precise, reliable metering for an incredible range of applications. Youll easily handle viscosities from liquefied gases to tar, flow
rates from sub-microliter to 400 ml per minute, and pressures to 20,000 psi (1380 bar).
Use these rugged, do-anything pumps to solve your toughest fluid delivery problems, from micro-flow to scale-up and pilot plant, pumping corrosive liquids, and safe operation in explosive
atmospheres with the HL Series.
Core Flooding
Reactant Feeding
Supercritical Fluids
HPLC and Ultra-HPLC
Alternative Energy - Biomass
Iscos programmable multi-pump controller interfaces easily with your system, and provides great versatility with single pump independent mode, dual pump continuous delivery or receive mode, and
several three-pump control modes.
HPLC and Ultra-HPLC
Alternative Energy - Biomass