Working Pressure
400 bar.
Pump Element Capacity
8 - 10 cm3 / minute
Transfer Tubes
?6-?8-?10-?12mm steel
Test Pressure
1000 bar
It can be mounted on ALL-300 Pump body. A flow of 2.5-3cm3/min. and a pressure of 600 bars can be obtained from each pump element.
An adjustment between 0.5 - 3cm3 can be done with the pump elements.
The pressure can be adjusted through the security valve thus the tubes and the pump are protected from high pressure. Additionally pressure security switch contains a check-valve
which enables a proper function of the pump element in case of back pressure.
A pressure switch can be mounted on the pump element for pressure adjustment. This enables to obtain a warning signal while over pressure.
10 00 30 01
With security valve,Check-valve
10 00 30 02
With security valve,Check-valve and pressure switch