The cost of heating hot water can be eliminated if electricity, diesel or coal is the current energy source. The series AQ-H and series AQ-D AQUAZEST are designed for chilling systems where constant temperature hot water (or hot fluid) is required at or below 60 degrees C. They can be plugged into and existing system.DUAL CONDENSOR units (series AQ-D) are suited to applications where the hot water energy re-quirements are small in relation to the chilling function. Excess heat is rejected automatically via a water/fluid coil, suitable for cooling tower applications.Series AQ-C are chillers intended for normal cooling tower situations.PRE-PACKEDThe AQUAZEST is a self-contained, pre-wired, compact chiller unit, complete with pumps and controls. It can be plugged into any chiller system with ease. There is no need for new tanks and new water feeds.WORLD FIRST FOR TEKNIHEATTheres nothing new about heat pumps. But never be-fore has the technology of heat transfer been so effectively applied. The AQUAZEST is the first commercially available system that can provide the end product hot water at the temperature the user requires, while simultaneously producing chilled air-conditioning water (or solid ice), without additional energy input or any strain on the refrigeration compressor.The by-product of AQUAZEST system can be constant temperature 60C hot water, which may be used for domestic hot water purposes.EASY INSTALLATIONThe AQUAZEST is a self-contained, compact unit and it can be plugged into any existing system with ease. There is no need for new tanks and new water feeds.MAINTENANCEThe AQUAZEST is sealed and trouble free. It is also FAIL-SAFE. It is equipped with automatic fault-finding light indicators and in the unlikely event of a malfunction, the problem will show up instantly and clearly.THE PRINCIPLE OF THE RECALORANT WATER HEATERA refrigerator is designed to extract heat from an enclosed space.The energy removed is discarded as warmth at the back.A recalorant heater is the reverse but BOTH ends are fully utilisable. It takes ambient air or cool water and extracts the heat energy from it. This heat energy is absorbed by the machine and is transferred at a high temperature to a hot water storage vessel.The only components in the system that use energy are the compressor and the fan
All AQUAZEST units are liquid-to-liquid heat pumps, and are generally intended for use as chillers
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