Associated Steel Foundries is in the business of manufacturing high-quality parts and spares for all types of corrosion-resistant applications.Parts such as valve bodies and gates, pipe sections, pump housings and impellers are supplied to meet the customer's every need. At A.S.F, customer service is not limited to production, our customers enjoy the benefits of in-house engineering facilities. Our engineers and metallurgists provide the customer with the optimum design and material needed for the job.With our assistance, the customer can choose any one of a variety of stainless steels and nickel base alloys, from Ni-Resist through CF-8M and CN-7MS, to Hastelloys for use under aggressive, corrosive environments.A.S.F can produce parts weighing from 3 kilograms up to 10 tonnes.Associated Steel Foundries is qualified to ISO 9001:2000 and complies with MIL-I-45208A.