VACUUM PUMPS of the (DVN) series are designed for pumping out air and gases non-aggressive to grey cast iron, structural steel and mineral oil, and explosion-proof in the flow passage and reduction gear. The pumps are to be used ONLY with a fore pump and are the second stage of rarefaction.The vacuum pumps find wide application in the following technological processes:- drying of transformers and other devices;- impregnation of winding, cable, wood and other materials;- distillation in the production of non-ferrous metals in metallurgy, and pure sub-stances in chemical and pharmaceutical industries;- sublimation drying of products, bioactive preparations, vaccines;- melting, casting, doping of metal alloys;- sintering of fine-grained and powdery materials in metallurgy in agglomeration, coking process, in the production of refractory products.Pump consists of a pump proper mounted onto the foundation frame and an electric motor attached to it with the help of a flexible pin coupling. Pump 2-500 (2DVN-500) is cooled by air, while pump 2-1500 (2DVN-1500) is cooled by water.