Models available:
Features :
Most convenient tubing changes Automatic tube retention Flow rates upto 2200 ml /min
Enertech's Periflow Peristaltic Pump is a product of our mechanical, electronic and fluid engineering expertise. Our expertise can be placed at your disposal, to find the perfect solution that
integrates with your equipment. We develop concepts, test and refine them until we have it right. You can concentrate on the rest of your product. Then we come together, targeting your precise
requirements until we're both happy that you have the best engineered solution to your pumping needs.
Enertech's Periflow Peristaltic Pumps are fitted as original equipment in products ranging from fermenters and bioreactors to orange juice and milkshake dispensers, from seed-coating machines to
printing presses. Every series of pumps is available for OEM use at flow rates from microliters a minute to many litres per minute.
OEM Pumps
Enertech's Periflow Peristaltic Pump is a product of our mechanical, electronic and fluid engineering expertise.