Taiwankoi also allows producers to forward integrate, re-intermediate and develop their markets. It serves as a platform for market development and international marketing.
During the last year the dry-goods sector's importance increased considerably. Partnerships with major Taiwanese producers, allow us to offer competitive prices and highly specialized products, apart from high quantity sales.
In a time of re-intermediation and ever shortening supply-chains the key to success is up-to-date information, which we provide. Taiwankoi enables its clients to form strategic partnerships with the right parties optimizing their supply chains.
Taiwan, renowned for its outsourcing capabilities and high-tech productions, functions as an innovative motor in Asia. New concepts enter production cycles quickly. At Taiwankoi.com you will find innovative and highly efficient products that are about to enter the global market.
The Koi industry in Taiwan is based on unique cultural and historical relations to Japan. Taiwan being a sophisticated and strong market for the resident Koi farms has much to offer in every quality segment. Taiwankoi is a very specialized industry portal, well established within Taiwan, also providing expertise with import/export logistics and regulations. Currently Taiwan's biggest Koifarms are affiliates.
We provide our clients with an updated state of the industry, pointing out leaders in quantity and quality, research and design.
Taiwankoi provides its clients with consolidated access to Taiwans Koi and dry-goods industry. Transparent researched and updated information allows our customers to form strategic partnerships with Taiwanese companies.
We provide our clients with an updated state of the industry, pointing out leaders in quantity and quality, research and design. |