Brass rubber bonded seals

In various applications rubber is bonded to brass for sealing, cushioning and abrasion resistance requirements. It is the rubber that bears the brunt of sealing ,cushioning and abrasion resistance whereas the brass acts as the bearing surface of the rubber .The typical example of this application is in brake seals for railway brake systems. The most suitable rubber for this application is Nitrile rubber. This is because of its greater resistance to oil, heat and abrasion, which is inherent in the operation.

ASRI manufactures full range of brass-rubber bonded seals which are  used by the railways. The seals are guaranteed for high working life.

ASRI also manufactures other rubber to metal bonded seals inclusive of Silicone, Viton, Polychloroprene Natural etc. Metals could be aluminium, steel of different types besides brass.

  • Country:India
  • telephone:91-20-27125043
In various applications rubber is bonded to brass for sealing
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