2) Behind directly-applied liquid sealant
Used as a secondary sealant behind:
1) Conventional backer-rod and liquid sealants
Non-staining and compatible with wide range of caulking and substrate materials.
Consists of cellular acrylic-impregnated open cell foam, and where sizes permit, combined with laminations of closed-cell EVA foam.
Ideally suited to panelized wall systems, as well as concrete, brick, stone, metal panels, curtain wall systems, etc.
By contrast, BACKERSEAL, because it works in compression, provides a practical to install, fully functional secondary seal using different performance principles than the primary, liquid sealant. In addition it provides insulation value and the ability to resist the effects of air-pressure differentials.
Unlike 'double caulk and backer rod', BACKERSEAL behind field-applied liquid sealants provides true "belt and suspenders" sealing--two systems working on different principles to perform the same function. 'Double caulk and backer rod' is not only very difficult to install to achieve the geometry necessary to function in moving joints, but the same forces (primarily tensile stresses at the bondline and within the cured sealant) that will cause the outer installation to fail, will also likely cause the inner installation to fail as well.
An economical, high-performance, secondary sealant to field-applied caulking.
100% free of wax or asphalt compounds
BACKERSEAL Installation Sequence Summary (Direct-applied low-modulus silicone, binary-sealant installation shown). |