Presenting Rubber Fabs Hygienic Seal System. The perfect union of Torque-Rite? and the Perfect Surface Hygienic Seal. Torque-Rite? allows you to control compression and expansion while
maintaining constant inch/pounds force insuring a Perfect Surface I.D. when used with a Perfect Surface Hygienic Seal. Torque- Rite? eliminates the problems associated with over - or
under-tightening a seal which can lead to an unsanitary system.
A: DAMMING An over-tightened seal extrudes into the pipe, prevents draining, and allows deposits to build up behind the seal. B: UNDER-TIGHTENING May allow leakage. Can form concave surfaces at the
product side of the seal affecting free drainage and cleaning. C: PERFECT SURFACE GASKET SYSTEM: Torque-Rite? and Perfect Surface Hygienic Seal eliminates the concerns associated with over- and
under-tightening a sanitary seal. Insures that seal I.D. matches pipe I.D.
Maintaining a Perfect Surface Sanitary System. By maintaining a constant force on a Perfect Surface Hygienic Seal with the Torque-Rite?, seal I.D. is maintained lowering bacteria count and
enhancing product integrity. A Perfect Surface sanitary system is assured. Perfect Surface Hygienic Seal Benefits: Lower bacteria counts Maintains/enhances product integrity Insures that seal I.D.
matches pipe I.D. Passes US Pharmacopeia Class VI Certification Passes cytotoxicity criteria Complies with Title 21 CFR 177.2600 Complies with Title 21 CFR 177.1550 Complies with USDA and 3-A
sanitary standards Conforms to CGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices
Presenting Rubber Fab's Hygienic Seal System. The perfect union of Torque-Rite |