Refer to our Compatibility Matrix for assistance in choosing the preferred elastomer for your application.
Use our interactive O-Ring Size Chart to determine the correct size for your application.
We have created a simple O-Ring Guide to assist you in your design process. Please also refer to our Radial Seal O-Ring Guide and Face Seal O-Ring Guide for application sealing requirements.
O-rings have become a mainstay in machine design since they were invented in 1937. Backup rings are often used in conjunction with o-rings for sealing applications in high-pressure applications or when extrusion gaps are excessive. While their design may be simple, it is important that the size, material and other characteristics match with the application to ensure optimum performance. We have many Material Data Sheets for various industry requirements.
O-Rings and Backup Rings
O-rings have become a mainstay in machine design since they were invented in 1937. |