The rod seals task is very difficult since it must seal at both high and low pressure, often in combination with alternating high and low temperature. The rod seal must leave a certain lubrication film, thin enough to return into the cylinder after having passed an effective wiper seal. When choosing a rod seal, it is important to define the area of application and to make selection analyses with the support of carefully drawn-up requirement specifications. Rod seals are produced in several different designs in order to function at very varying operating conditions.
The rod seal is the seal in the hydraulic cylinder with the most demanding requirement specifications. In addition to normal wear and ageing, this seal is directly affected by irregularities on the rod surface. The rod seal is often the decisive factor for the function of the hydraulic cylinder in its entirety. Leakage through the rod seal can in some cases cause accidents and environmental damages. Therefore, it is of significant importance to make the correct choice of rod seal and not the least, to be familiar with the properties of other seal types in rod sealing system.
The rod seal is the seal in the hydraulic cylinder with the most demanding requirement specifications