Inflatableseals work by introduction of an inflation pressure into the cavity ofthe inflatable seals. This inflation pressure causes the displacementof the seals effecting a positive seal
between the seals and thesurface to be sealed. Once the seals inflation pressure is removed theseal returns to its uninflated position (memory)
Regulatedair is the commonly utilized inflatable seals medium while in someapplications pnuematic (gas) or hydraulic (liquid) methods aresuitable. Inflatable seals offer versatile configurations in threedifferent planes: radially in, radially out, and axially. Inflator-seals are an inflatable silicone seal (like a door seal oraperture seal) that can be inflated to accommodate a variable sealinggap. We manufacture inflatable seals and inflatable silicone seals in arelaxed/deflated attitude but when air pressure is applied, the sealeither expands or rises up to meet the sealing face. When the pressureis released, the seal returns to its relaxed position. Rubtech Inflator-seals are made from high strength FDA approvedsilicone and are supplied in our corporate colours of transperent &red favoured by the food industry. Other colours are available tospecial order. Rubtech Inflator-seals are made from high strength FDA approvedsilicone and are supplied in our corporate colours of transperent &red favoured by the food industry. Other colours are available tospecial order. |
Sliding doors - a great benefit for this application. The seal automatically retracts away when air pressure is removed, allowing the door to travel freely.
Pharma-Copia Environments - inflator-seals provide an inflatable sealing solution where the risk of fabric contamination is unacceptable like fluid bed dryer, processor &
coaters. |
Inflatable seals work by introduction of an inflation pressure into the cavity of the inflatable seals. This inflation pressure