Available In 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% And 30% Solids.
Meets The Moisture Retention Requirements Of ASTM
C-309, AASHTO M-148, Navdock 13-YF And CRD C-300. |
Minimizes Concrete Surface Crazing And Shrinkage
Cracking. Also Provides Temporary Construction Protection From Most Oils, Greases, Common Chemicals And From The Adhesion Of Mortar Splashings. |
Seals Floors To Prevent Dust Formation And Dry Rot
In Carpeting And To Improve Adhesion Of Vinyl Floor Covering Adhesives. |
Cure & Seal 100 - 300 E Product Data Sheet | |
As a cure, CURE & SEAL 100 - 300 E creates a vapor seal that minimizes moisture loss from evaporation |