HabiPLAST, the product range of guides and profiles from Habasit, represents the right complement for HabasitLINK plastic modular belts, HabaCHAIN slat and conveyor chains, HabaSYNC timing
belts, and Habicord or Habipur polyurethane beltsThe HabiPLAST products are used in a wide range of industries such as bottling, packaging, materials handling, and food processing. They are applied
as guide and sliding support for linear movements and conveying applications. Everywhere low coefficient of friction and high resistance to chemicals is required, and if good wear and low noise
properties are a must HabiPLAST products are the right choice for all types of machinery.
The HabiPLAST range contains:
Profiles: extruded and machined in various shapes and designs
Guides: roller chains and timing belts, flat-, round- and v-belts run smoothly
Guides: plastic chains are tracked properly straight and around curves
Guides: manufactured goods are handled with care and without loss
Accessories: installation support and assembling aid for many products
the product range of guides and profiles from Habasit, represents the right complement for HabasitLINK plastic modular belts