Greater Resistance to water and mildew : The fabric permits higher adhesion of carcass, more resistant to water and mildew protection than other fabrics.
Excellent troughability and flexibility : The nylon fabric construction and superior adhesion combine to insure maximum resistance to fatigue from flexing of the belt carrying full loads on deep trough idlers.
Exceptional Shock & Impact Resistance : Polyester fabric belt greatly resists impact and accidental damage [upto 10 times] over the impact resistance of cotton viscose rayon belts depending upon the number of plies.
Special Features
The nylon/nylon conveyor belting offers maximum impact and damage resistance from carrying materials. It is flexible and though conveyor belt using nylon fabric as a carcass material which is one of the most excellent industrial fibers. It is suitable for transporting a variety of materials such as ore, crushed stones, grain, sands etc.,.
Nylon/Nylon Fabric (NN) Conveyor Belt
Complete moisture and mildew protection : The fabric permits higher adhesion of carcass, more resistant to moisture and mildew protection than other fabrics.
Resiliency for supporting loads : The polyester fabric beam construction and superior adhesion combine to insure maximum resistance to fatigue from flexing of the belt carrying full loads on deep trough idlers.
Low Elongation : The belt with polyester fabric has lower elongation than the belt using nylon fabric.
Resistance to Impact : Polyester fabric belt greatly resists impact and accidental damage [upto 10 times] over the impact resistance of cotton viscose rayon belts depending upon the number of plies.
Special Features
The construction of the fabric used in this belt is polyester in warp and nylon in weft which provides technically a low-stretch and a high impact abuse resistance.
Polyester/Nylon Fabric (EP) Conveyor Belt
Nylon Conveyor Belt
1)NN80 to NN500
2)WIdth 300mm to 2000mm
3)Tensile Strength 10Mpa to 25Mpa