Exhaust Isolation Valves
Exhaust Isolation or Guillotine valves also calls flue gases shut-off valves. Hi temperature and low pressure flue gases flow tight shut-off required when boiler is on maintenance and diverter
damper is on bypass mode for this purpose shut-off valve installs between diverter damper and W.H.R. boiler. Guillotine valve can be use in on-line maintenance of equipments in continuous process
for isolation.
Cast iron guillotine valves or flue gas shut of valves for both high and low pressure for boilers, furnaces and generators
Brand Name: | TTE |
Place of Origin: | Pakistan |
Media: | Gas |
Temperature of Media: | High Temperature |
Material: | Casting |
Pressure: | High Pressure |
Structure: | Guillotine |
Standard or Nonstandard: | Standard |