Optional Design:Pneumatic Wing and Master Valves and Hydraulic Operated Downhole valves
Hydraulic Wing, Master and Downhole Valves with Pneumatic Controls
Total Hydraulic Operation (High and Low Hydraulic Supply) for the WSV, MSV, & SCSSV Operation
System Design includes: Air or Natural Gas Supply 100 to 200 PSIG
90 to 120 PSIG Hydraulic Control Pressure (Total Hydraulic Design)
Standard or H2S-CO2 (NACE) Service
Hydraulic Outputs 1,000 to 10,000 PSIG Subsurface Safety Valve
2,000 to 5,000 PSIG Surface Safety Valves
90 to 120 PSIG Low Hydraulic Supply Control Pressure
High/Low Pilot supply 50 PSIG
High and Low Accumulator Supply Pressure
NOTE: System Design will include Accumulation Calculation based on Customer Requirements
Pneumatic Outputs ESD Loop 50 PSIG
Surface Safety Valves 100 to 200 PSIG
High/Low Pilot supply 50 PSIG
Shutdown Outputs Remote ESD or Local Shutdown
Fusible Plugs
High/Low Pilot Shutdown
Design includes Hydraulic Pump which can be operated both Pneumatically or Manually
Total Hydraulic Designs (Class 1, Div. 1 and 2)
24 VDC Pump/Motor Assemblies
110 to 220 VAC Pump/Motor Assemblies
Atmospheric application Desert or Marine 316 Stainless Steel Tubing and Fittings
Well Opening Sequence First Subsurface Safety Valve
Second Master Surface Safety Valve
Third Wing Surface Safety Valve
Well Closing Sequence First Wing Surface Safety Valve
Second Master Surface Safety Valve
Third Subsurface Safety Valve
Well Closing Sequence First Wing Surface Safety Valve
Second Master Surface Safety Valve
Third Subsurface Safety Valve
Pneumatic/Hydraulic Control Panel
Total Hydraulic Operated Control Panel- Interface to PLC