The valves allow for application at other (than NPP) industrial facilities without additional coordination.
Hermetic valves under TU 3742-001-7715193480-04, intended for NPP, withstand the excess pressure (Prastch.) of 0.5 MPa (5 kgs/cm2) at the temperature of 150 ?C, the working pressure (Prab.??) of the hermetic valves is 0.005 MPa (0.005 kgs/cm2) at the temperature of 60 ?C (trab.).
The technical specifications have been coordinated under the established procedure.
Hermetic valves with a general industrial purpose of the series IA produced under TU (technical specifications) 3742-005-18601579-04 and hermetic valves intended for NPP produced under TU 3742-001-7715193480-04 (manufactured in co-operation with the company Th. Jansen).
Hermetic valves for ventilating systems
Hermetic valves with a general industrial purpose of the series IA produced under TU |