FLUSH CHOICE is designed as a universal retrofit for most two piece toilets. FLUSHCHOICE is designed for ultimate simplicity for the Do It Yourself market with an easy installation time of 30 minutes or less. The FLUSHCHOICE kit contains all new parts for your toilet - all of the moving parts in your toilet will be replaced with new FLUSHCHOICE parts. Your toilet will be totally upgraded with many years of trouble free service ahead. You will enjoy savings on your water bill and save the environment.
Saves money on your water utility bill, saves our precious water resources, reduces the polluted septic water, and the chemicals and energy used in the purification process. For a family of four a toilet equipped with FLUSHCHOICE can save up-to 20,000 gallons of water in one year.
New and Unique Dual Action Flush Valve - A Retrofit Water Saving Toilet Valve Kit.