- All 316 stainless steel construction and pure PTFE seats. ( NO elastomers)
- Conforms to NACE MR 01-75 ( latest Revision )
- Bi-directional including cavity relief.
- Minimum number of leak points.
- Metal to metal body / end seal
- Firesafe tested to BS 6755 part II
- Maintains pressure even if handle removed.
- ANSI class rated 2500 LBS ( 6000 psi ) or 10000 psi.
- Anti Blow-out Stem
- Material Traceability for ALL wetted parts including ball and stem as well as the body and end adapter.
Needle valves sizes ?" to 1"
Ball valves sizes ?" to 1"
- All 316 stainless steel construction and pure PTFE seats. ( NO elastomers)
- Conforms to NACE MR 01-75 ( latest Revision )