
TheCOMPACT pneumatic quarter turn actuator has been developed to be simple,reliable, and efficient using a patented rack and pinion design. Fourseparate racks, each with its own piston, develop torque around theCentrally located pinion.Thisfour rack design permits air pressure to be applied to four pistonssimultaneously, significantly reducing piston diameter, and theactuator's overall size, compared to single and double rack designs.Symmetrically spaced at 90 degree around the central pinion, theCOMPACT'S four racks also achieve a more uniform load distribution thando single and double rack actuators, greatly reducing gear wear at thepoints of contact between rack and pinion.Alook at the operation of the COMPACT actuator reveals several otherimportant advantages of its symmetric four rack design, including atrouble-free high cycle life, minimum air consumption, energy efficient,fast corresponding and of course, a compact shape.Efficient:Patented 4-pistons give maximum torque for minimum air consumption.LongLife:The unique balanced piston design and shorter strokeprevents uneven wear of gear and pistons.Corrosionresistant:a)Anodized coating of body, covers and stop provides protectioninternally and externally.b)A two layer external polyurethane paint coating provides protectionagainst aggressive environments.Stop:The stop design allows rotational adjustment in both directions ofactuator travel.Safeguard:Built-in for secure operation, assembly and disassembly ofthe actuator.COMPACT'Ssuperiority over single and double rack designs is achieved throughdistribution of the total torque equally among its four racks so thatracks generates less torque. At a given air pressure, COMPACT canproduce the same torque output using smaller diameter pistons and anarrower pinion. Four small cylinder, each located on one side of acube, permit a compact, space saving shape.Anarrower pinion results in a shorter piston travel which makes theCOMPACT fast acting.COMPACT'Scube shape and short piston travel minimize dead space. Dead space isspace not swept by piston travel that must be pressurized before pistonmotion begins. This is pressurized air that does no work but nonethelessrequires energy to maintain pressure.COMPACT'sminimum dead space geometry means minimum air consumption, which in turnmeans maximum energy efficiency, since little pressurized air goes towaste.Foruse in extremely corrosive environments, HABONIM-VAAS can supply theactuator with a stainless steel dome cover. The Compact actuatorcan be easily fitted with a round dome due to itssymmetrical shape,unlike conventional two-piston actuators. The dome covercan also houseaccessories such as solenoid valve and limit switches, making it possible to use basic switches and solenoid valveswithout separate weather-proofenclosures. The dome has been tested and is rated to weather-proof toIP65.

  • Country:India
  • telephone:91-000 000 91 44 42248500
TheCOMPACT pneumatic quarter turn actuator has been developed to be simple,reliable, and efficient using a patented rack and p
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