The EAD connects serial devices to Ethernet network using the IP protocol. The EA D 02 connects peripherals through a transparent TCP data channel or a Telnet connection to computers or another EAD 02. Diagrams (protocol blocks) can be sent by UDP. The Network interface speed is 10-Mbit for Ethernet. Network Interface 10 Base T 10 Mbps Ethernet RS 232 Asynchronous 300 bps to 115.2 Kbps, 7 or 8 data, 1 or 2 Stop bits, Odd/ Even/ None parity, Xon/Xoff & RTS/CTS Flow Control Protocols Supported ARP, UDP, TCP, Telnet, ICMP, SNMP, DHCP, TFTP and HTTP Management Serial, HTTP, Telnet and SNMP Operating Voltage 230 V AC Environment 0 Deg C to 70 Deg C Operational & -40 Deg C to 85 Deg C - Storage 1 x RS-232 DB25 female (Port 1), Software selectable, Speed up to 115k Baud with hardware Flow Control. (RTS,CTS, DTR and DCD Sign
The EAD connects serial devices to Ethernet network using the IP protocol. The EA D 02 connects peripherals through a transparen