This is an electrically operated valve which cuts off the flow of LPG to the engine when the vehicle is running on petrol mode. The solenoid contains an inbuilt filter, which filters the LPG before getting into the pressure reducer. It works at 6 to 12 V DC and it consumes 0.5 Amps current. It is important to properly fix the copper tubes at inlet & outlet without any leakage with ferrule & squeeze nut system. The LPG solenoid used in Stargas LPG conversion is being approved by ARAI [Automotive Research Association of India] as per the approval copy No. SHL/239/2005-2006/5179/398. The Gas solenoid has a high induction coil wire to render virtually unlimited working life. This is made in vibration resistant model and contains a filter which filters the LPG flowing through the solenoid.